
Volume entritled: "Elements of Plane Geometry and also The Mensuration of both Superficies and Solids"

Volume entitled: "The Description and Use of a Terrestrial Planetarium, including the Orbits of Mercury and Venus commonly called an Orrery"

Certificate admitting Samuel Argall to the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of Padua

Typescript copy of 'Anson's list of H.M. Royal Navy 1747-1750'

Volume entitled: "Illumni sui Charissimi Josephi Ball calculorum Rationem experimens Libellus Quemq"

Bound manuscript entitled: "Principles of Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Optics etc"

Manuscript entitled: "Grundliche Anleitung zur Chemie Part II Section II"

Volume bearing the title "Le Trésor des Trésors" (The Treasure of the Treasures)

Journal entitled: "Coal Journal book or Journall Scituation of the Coals of Bogie begun at Sir John Wemyss's death 19th January 1719"

Volume entitled: "The Method of Building, Rigging, Apparelling and Furnishing his Majesty's Ships of Warr, according to their Rates - with The Exact Proportion and Charge of all Things requisite thereunto"

Volume entitled: "The length of all the Mastes and yards of his Ma[jesty's] ships and Pinnaces; A proportion of cables and anchors to furnish them to sea; All their standing roapes; Dimentions of their boates; Breadth and depth of their sayles; their burthen, number of men and ordnance."

Original drawings for Lister's 'Conchology'

'James Burrow's Arithmetick MDCCXXXVIII'

Legal document entitled 'Article and Schedule of Deeds relating to my Dwelling House'

Legal document entitled 'Abstract and Schedule of Deeds relating to T S Raisbeck's Dwelling house being Copyhold'

[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Letter from Mr N Swainston to Mr James Raisbeck, later addition written by William Grundy.

Articles of agreement between John Claxton, Jacob Harrison and Thomas Raisbeck

Torn note referring to a payment of £5.0.0

Note regarding £18.0.0 received from J S Raisbeck for £800.0.0 on the Sugar House mortgage to Cuthbert Burrell

Legal agreement between Thomas Meeke and Katherine Turner

Obligation between Benjamin Davison and William Raisbeck

Legal agreement regarding the transfer of land in the East fields; 7 acres In le Eastfeild; land at Wrydike; Corne Close and 7 acres in le Eastfeild

Legal agreement regarding transfer of land from Thomas Rudd to Joseph Claxton and Margaret Claxton at Corn Close

Legal document confirming Thomas Raisbeck's status as an attorney

Legal agreement regarding transfer of land known as Corn Close, near Saltholm from John Wells and John Benton to Thomas Rudd

Petition for Thomas Raisbeck, City of Durham to Dormer Parkhurst Esq, Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham and Sadberge

Bills paid by Mr Raisbeck to Mrs Bone

Legal agreement regarding the transfer of land from John Humble to Robert Hilton in the Ropery, West Little Field; messuage, garden/orchard, curtilag and 2 stables; and The Garth

Memorandum regarding the transfer of property

Pages 14 and 15 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Article of agreement between William Raisbeck and James Raisbeck

Articles of agreement between James Raisbeck and William Raisbeck

Testament to Thomas Raisbeck by Thomas Rudd

Note referring to partnership between Thomas Raisbeck and John Rudd

Legal agreement between Lamelot Hilton and Thomas Meeke

Legal agreement between Anne Meeke and Thomas Raisbeck

Legal agreement regarding transfer of land at Corne Close and Wrydyke

Legal document regarding Thomas Raisbeck's appointment as a solicitor

Legal document granting Thomas Raisbeck the authority to act as Attorney in the County Palatine of Durham


Volume entitled: "A Course of Experimental Philosophy by S Triboudet Demainbray in the year 1755"


The Loyal Protestant and True Domestick Intelligence, or, News both from City and Countrey.


The Domestick Intelligence Or News both from City and Country Impartially Related


Heraclitus Ridens: at A Dialogue between Fest and Earnest, concerning the Times

3 sheets

French technical drawings relating to Newcomen atmospheric engine erected at Fresnes, near Conde in northern France


French technical drawing: Elevation d'une cheminee dans laquelle on a pratique un poele propre a bruler de la houille


Letter from Robert Newton to Miss Offley


Receipt of £1,360 for land sold by Sir John Pettus


Letter from John and Jane Cox to John Cox


An account of an horizontal top or whirling speculum, invented by Mr Serson